A child who exhibits any of the following symptoms should not attend class at TPB until 24 hours after the end of symptoms. Children placed on antibiotics cannot attend class until 24 hours after the initial dosage. Symptoms of Illness requiring students to stay home include, but are not limited to:
· Fever over 100.4° F (without the use of fever-reducing medication)
· Diarrhea: more than one abnormally loose, runny or bloody stool
· Vomiting/nausea
· Severe persistent cough
· Yellow tint of skin or eyes
· Skin/Eye lesions or rashes that are severe, weeping or pus filled
· Stiff neck & headache with one or more of the above symptoms
· Complaints of severe pain
· Wheezing or difficulty breathing
· Head Lice
· Symptoms of communicable disease (chickenpox, strep throat, measles,
fifths, scabies, etc.)
If a child at TPB exhibits any of these symptoms, they will be asked to discontinue class. A parent/guardian will be called to pick them up promptly.
If a child is not wearing a mask, a mask will be given to them while they wait
for a parent/guardian to arrive.
Dance is a strenuous athletic activity. Due to building muscle tissue and stretching tendons, Dancers will experience minor aches and pains from time to time. Most minor aches and pains are normal and will go away in time.
Should a pain be particularly sharp, cause swelling or bruising, or become chronic, please notify your instructor and the front desk immediately.
All Dancer accidents and injuries in and out of class must be reported to the front desk staff and the Dancer’s teacher immediately. TPB staff will document the Dancer’s condition and any medical guidelines for activity. A doctor’s note is required to return to class after severe injuries.
Dancers sustaining an injury, either in or outside of class, should do the following:
- Notify the front desk immediately so that proper documentation can be made.
- Ask your doctor for a report on your injury including a timeline for returning to classes and send it to TPB.
- Injured Dancers requiring limited participation in class or a significant leave of absence from TPB must meet with the Artistic Director to set up a recovery plan before returning to classes per your doctor’s instructions
Dancers who are injured and are therefore unable to participate in all of class must sit, watch the rest of class and take notes on the Class Observation Sheet. Ice is located in the kitchen; please ask the front desk for assistance. Dancers who stop participation may not resume class or rehearsal until the next day.