Robert Huffman, Principal Pianist, holds a Bachelors Degree in Music and a Masters Degree in Performance, from the University of Oregon. He studied in Paris for 3 years with Noel Lee and in 1969 was the Principal Pianist for The Congregation of the Arts in Dartmouth College, NH, under Maestro Mario DiBonaventura, performing the Poulenc Two Piano Concerto and the Chamber Compositions of Luigi Dallapiccola. In 1973, under a Teaching Assistance Award at the University of Oregon, he performed the Colin McPhee Piano Concerto and the Piano Quartets of Brahms. Robert has worked as a dance accompanist in the Northwest since 1976 with Fine Arts organizations such as Jefferson High School of the Performing Arts, Summer Dance Lab in Walla Walla, Washington, and Oregon Ballet Theatre’s Company and School. He has played Master Classes with Gelsey Kirkland, Melissa Hayden and Carter Alexander, among others. With White Bird Dance, he has played classes for Ballet Lyon, Nacho Duato, Ballet Biarritz, Mark Morris Dance Company, Scapino Ballet and Trey McIntyre. In 2001, Robert joined the founding staff at The Portland Ballet as Principal Pianist.